Open: Wed - Fri 10am - 6PM Sat 8am - 1pm

So you’ve relocated or just simply moved on and it’s time to find a new Hairstylist. There will be many relationships we build in life and hands down, I’d have to say the relationship between you and your hairstylist is one of the most important. I mean not only is she or he the one who keeps your hair looking oh so fab but overtime your hairstylist can become a close friend and confidant, your counselor, or just that ear you need when you want to vent. If you’ve been blessed to have a long relationship with a stylist then surely they have pretty much experienced your life experiences right along with you, weddings, babies to teens, anniversaries and milestones the lis goes on. Bottom line this relationship is deep and finding a stylist that fits you and your needs is an important task. Today, there seems to be a salon on every corner and in every shopping center which doesn’t make selecting a stylist so easy breezy, but armed with the few tips listed below, finding your match will be a breeze.

  1. Referrals. Ahhh!…my number one pick, hands down. You typically can’t go wrong with a referral, in most cases you get a birds eye view of the hairstylist work in question and an honest review of what to expect from the person who you referred you.  To be quite honest, stylist love referrals, it let’s us know were doing our job well and gives us a heads up on what your style is like.
  2. Google, Social Media and Websites. What would we do without social media today. Social media has definitely made it easier to find most anything your looking forth ease including local hairstylist. Google, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest to name a few are like your yellow pages on steroids. These platforms allow stylist to post their website, real life pictures and contact information. To make things even more convenient many stylist have adopted online booking for clients to schedule an appointment anytime day or night.
  3. Follow the Product. If your one who loves a particular product or brand, you can most likely find a stylist that uses that particular line or product. I would recommend going to site of the brand/product and checking to see if they have a directory of stylist that use the line in your area.
  4. Trial Run. Preferably after you have done your due diligence with your search, it wouldn’t hurt to  book a simple service and give it a trial run. Scheduling an appointment will at least get you in the building and allow you to really get a feel for the environment and what to expect from your perspective stylist. One way or another you’ll definitely know if you’ll be returning.


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10228 Lake arbor Way
Bowie, Md 20721